Part 1: Going from Panic to Plan


Are you the caregiver of a loved one who was recently diagnosed with an eating disorder or is returning to treatment?

Are you unsure of what questions to ask or even the first step to take?

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Part 1: Going from Panic to Plan helps families optimize every aspect of the treatment experience. After you receive your loved one’s diagnosis, it’s natural to panic as you accept your family’s new normal. It’s important to move towards a plan though. With our help, you can determine the best treatment option as you prepare yourself physically, financially, and emotionally for the journey ahead. 

This section includes a 90-minute video as well as five handouts.

Key takeaways include:

  • How to choose a program and the questions you should ask during the decision-making process

  • What needs to be done prior to admission

  • What needs to be considered for long-term recovery success

  • The importance of self-care 


Would you like to learn more?

Watch the video below from our very own Becky Henry as she walks you through the first part in the Recovery Roadmap Series: Going from Panic to Plan.


Going from Panic to Plan

How to choose a program, what are the questions families need to ask, what do they need to know before admission and what do they need to be thinking about not just today but for the long term. 

Beyond the Admission

Getting the most out of the treatment stay by collaborating and communicating effectively with the treatment program. What you should expect from the treatment program.  Understanding what's going on in treatment, the complexity of the disease, as well as the challenges the client faces. To say nothing of the challenges the treatment team faces in the process as well!

Ready or Not, Here They Come

Preparing and planning for Aftercare.  Anticipating the minefield of recovery and creating a support structure before discharge with the residential team and outpatient providers.